General Questions

Where are you located?

You can locate us at Number 24, NTC Road, Oke-Ado, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Also, you can call us on: : +2348038095964 +2348039650114, and +2348052237525 OR send us a mail through support@oyizaorphanagee.org or hello@oyizaorphanagee.org OR message us on our social media channels.

What are your achievements so far?

The organisation has been able to provide quality education for all the children in the home at primary, secondary to tertiary level. The management is currently providing educational support for nine (9) of her children in higher institution.

The organisation has been able to curtail and provide quality health care for children who were found living with severe medical challenges such Sickle Cell, Seizure Disorder, Hepatitis, HIV ETC. Over sixty (60) children that were displaced from their families have been traced back to their various family of origin and reunited with their family in collaboration with the Social Welfare Department, Ministry of Women Affairs and the Juvenile welfare centre of the Nigeria Police.

The foreign children from the neighbouring country who were found and rescue from abuses of different kinds were repatriated back in collaboration with the Ministry of Women Affairs and the Immigration department.

Do you have any Challenge(s) at all?

Yes. We are in need of:
(a). A permanent shelter facility
(b). Regular financial support
(c). Volunteer workers
(d). Educational sponsorship of the children
(e). Vehicle.
(f). Other needs include: Educational materials, toiletries, groceries, wears, shoes and household items (mattresses, deep freezer, grinding machines & generator), HOUSEHOLD GADGET: Bed bunk, Mattresses, Television, Freezer, Washing Machine, Electric kettle, Iron, Blender, Microwave, Clipper, Ceiling fan, FOOD ITEMS: Beans, Rice, Semolina, Garri, Spaggetti, Yam, Yam flour, BEVERAGES: Milo, Milk, Golden morn, Corn flake, Sugar.

Can I have your account details for supports?

Account name: Oyiza Orphanage and Foster Foundation (Shelter Account)
Account number: 1021114044

Account Name: Oyiza orphanage home
Account Number: 0029952815